Get Started ——
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Getting started with us
Step 1: Schedule your first appointment
After receiving a referral to OT Connection, please contact our front office team to schedule your first appointment. Our friendly front office team will do their best to answer all of your questions, will let you know what times we have available, and will schedule your first session, which is most typically an evaluation. We also offer free screenings to anyone in the community that has a concern regarding your child’s development.
Step 2: Complete our New Client Packet
You will receive our New Client Packet through email to complete prior to the evaluation appointment or you can complete the packet online on our website.
Step 3: Start your child’s therapy!
Our front office team will obtain your health insurance information, check your benefits for therapy prior to your first appointment and email the details to you as well.
What Insurance do we take?
Checks, credit cards and all health insurance coverage plans are accepted forms of payment. We are currently in-network with Scott and White, Aetna, BCBS PPO, BCBS CHIP/STAR, Cigna, Humana, Medicaid, Superior Healthcare, Tricare, and United Healthcare.
Commonly Asked Getting Started Questions
Please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to your child’s initial evaluation appointment. Upon your arrival to our facility, please check in at the front desk, submit your completed paperwork, have your insurance card handy, and any prescriptions, referral forms, or co-payments that your individual policy requires. If your child has had any previous tests, please bring the results and reports with you, if possible.
The initial assessment will last approximately 60 minutes depending on your child’s endurance, attention, and participation. We request that parents or care givers remain present for the beginning of the evaluation in order to discuss current concerns with your child’s development. We will then begin our testing which involves a variety of standardized tests and general observations of motor skills, communication, interaction with toys, attention, play skills, etc. Children typically enjoy all the testing items activities and are disappointed when their session is over!. If you would like to observe a portion of or all of your child’s assessment, please feel free to do so. If for any reason your child is not performing up to what you feel is “their best ability” with you present, then we may ask that you return to the waiting room until our assessment is completed to ensure the most valid results.
Upon completion of the assessment, the therapist will discuss any areas of suspected delay with you and make recommendations for therapy. On-going therapy sessions may be scheduled at this time. We will do our best to accommodate your scheduling needs and to coordinate multiple disciplines if this is necessary. Our comprehensive assessment will be provided to you within 1-2 weeks of your child’s evaluation in order for the therapist to accurately score and report on all testing material. A plan of care and goals will be included in the evaluation report. We strongly encourage all parents/care-givers to share with us their personal goals you would like to see your child achieve as well so that these may be included in the evaluation report.
We would prefer that your child attends their first appointment/evaluation at the clinic without their siblings present. We will need your undivided attention as we gather developmental history and try to get a clear picture of your child and your concerns for therapy. If you have an infant in a carrier/sling with you for the assessment, that is ok!
Initial results of the evaluation and recommendations are reviewed with you (and your child if age appropriate) in a detailed written report approximately 1-2 weeks after the initial evaluations. If therapy is recommended, the report will be reviewed at the first treatment session, or if therapy is not recommended, the report will be mailed to your home. The report will also be faxed to your referring physician for their signature. If your insurance requires authorization for therapy we will submit the signed copy of your child’s evaluation report to them with a request to have visits authorized.
Please arrive at least 5 minutes before your child’s therapy session with your child dressed in comfortable clothes that are suitable to get a little “messy”!
The therapist seeing your child for the first session will provide you with a copy of the evaluation report, and finish a few minutes early to review the assessment results, goals suggested, and plan of care.
Occupational and Physical Therapy sessions are 60 minutes in length with the last 5-10 minutes set aside for parent education and discussion of progress in therapy that day. Speech Therapy sessions are 30 minutes in length. During your child’s therapy session, most of our parents remain in the waiting room. Children may participate at a greater level, and/or transition more easily between activities without their parent present. However, we will honor parents request to attend their child’s session at any time. Our therapy team enjoys an active role and strong communication between the care-givers and welcome sharing ideas and strategies to help your child progress towards their goals.
If a parent wishes to leave the facility while their child is in session, please ensure that all contact information is up-to-date. We request that you return within adequate time, 15 minutes before the end of your child’s session, to meet with your child’s therapist to review their progress and suggested home activities.
This question will be more easily answered once your child’s evaluation is complete. If therapy services are recommended, a frequency and tentative time line will be established, along with a plan of care, and goals to be achieved on both a short-term and long-term basis. Therapy service duration varies from child to child. One of the most important factors with the duration of therapy is family participation in recommended home exercise programs. Carrying out the variety of activities, exercises, etc. is vital in a successful therapy course. Children continue at their recommended frequency for as long as it is needed. As long as your child is making progress towards their goals, therapy will continue.
Therapy services are discontinued for a variety of reasons. Occasionally, a child who has a long-term need with more severe deficits, may need to “take a break” from therapy. The child may experience frustration with the time dedicated to therapy, may have a slower progression or plateau of their skills, and therefore taking a break may be recommended. It is never a bad idea to see if a child can maintain their level of function and continue to progress without direct services after a period of time in therapy. Therapy services are discharged when the child has met all their goals, achieved age level skills, or is no longer benefiting from direct service. We encourage all children and family members to be actively involved with all parts of the therapy process, including setting goals, establishing a plan of care, carrying out recommended home exercise program activities, and with discharge planning.
Our healthy child and clinic policy is as follows:
- Please cancel your child’s session if they are not feeling well, have severe nasal drainage, severe cough, significant drainage from their eyes/discoloration (pink eye), have upset stomach / are vomiting within 24 hours of their appointment, or have a fever of 100.3 or more.
- Your child must be fever-free for 24 hours before attending therapy.
- If your child did not attend school today because of illness, they cannot be seen for therapy.
- No sick family members are allowed in the clinic.
Please respect and follow these guidelines to protect your family and ours!
- OT Connection is currently suggesting masks for all patients ages 2 and over that are able to tolerate them, but this is not a requirement
- For adults entering the clinic, masks are also required and we are requesting 1 adult attend the session with their child at this time.
- If your child has had DIRECT EXPOSURE to someone known to have COVID-15 minutes cumulative contact over 24 hours less than 6 feet apart, please cancel your sessions for the next 10 days, or until you have a negative covid test result, taken on day 5 or later after exposure. You may return at day 7 with a negative test result.
- We are taking extra cleaning and sanitation measures for all our patients and team members to ensure a safe and healthy environment for a
- Please call our front office team at 512-251-3230 as soon as you know you cannot make your child’s appointment, leave a voicemail if no one is available to take your call, or email [email protected].
- For no-show or short-notice cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice, the fee is $25 for any missed ST session and $50 for OT/PT missed appointments and must be paid prior to the next scheduled treatment session, even if the visit is rescheduled.
- Should the cancellation fee not be paid before the next treatment session, that treatment session will be canceled and an additional fee will be assessed.
- If your child receives back to back therapies and one therapist is out of the office, your child is expected to attend their other scheduled sessions. A $25 cancellation fee will be assessed if the other therapies are canceled.
- Prompt, regular attendance is key to a successful outcome for your child’s therapy. Two “no-show” cancellations or missing more than 20% of your child’s scheduled treatment sessions will result in their on-going appointment slot being removed.
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